Yoshinori Niwa at Museo Dolina San Dorligo della Valle, Italy

Group exhibition 'MUDS' September 2021

07 September 2021 Acqua & Terra, Zemlja in Voda, Earth and Water as the origin of life, elements that come together in a mass to be shaped:  the MUDS (MUseo Dolina San Dorligo della Valle) an open museum that houses works by international artists set up in the urban and rural landscape of the municipality of Dolina San Dorligo della Valle.



Yoshinori Niwa. Transporting puddle A to puddle B. Single channel video. 2004. 10'53



Aldo Giannotti (IT), Gianmaria Gava (IT), Hana Usui (JP), Leopold Kessler (AT), Olaf Osten (DE), Michele Spanghero (IT), Michicazu Matsune (JP), Miriam Laussegger (AT) & Joonas Lahtinen (FI), Ryts Monet (IT) & Andrea Steves (US), Yoshinori Niwa (JP)

MUDS is a project created by 

Pablo Chiereghin and from Contrada Teatro stabile di Trieste

7 September 2021
of 540