Dale Lewis in Elephant Magazine

'Ridiculous! Eighteen Artists who are Not Afraid to Look Stupid' by Paul Carey-Kent

13 January 2020 For Ridiculous!, writer and curator Paul Carey-Kent presents an exhibition and performance programme of some eighteen artists who are not afraid to look stupid. ‘The True Artist’, runs the statement famously caught in neon by Bruce Nauman in 1967, ‘Helps the World by Revealing Mystic Truths’. In the same spirit, the true artist is prepared to present the ridiculous, to work in an apparently ridiculous way, or to appear ridiculous themselves. They will run the risk that we’ll be laughing at them as much as with them, in order to get at surprising perspectives. Better to fall flat on your face than to play it safe.


Dale Lewis, The Great Day, 2020, oil, acrylic and spray paint on canvas, 200 x 400 cm


Artists include:

Mauro Bonacina, Brian Bress, Jemima Burrill, Leah Capaldi,  Paul Cole, Emma Cousin, Liv Fontaine, Rosie Gibbens, Oona Grimes, Adam Hennessey, Andy Holden, Rand Jarallah, Karen Knorr, Ansel Krut, ,Dale Lewis, Ryan Mosley, Anna Perach, Katarina Rankovic.

13 January 2020
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