Gordon Cheung in the Financial Times

'Critics' Choice: Tears of Paradise' by Jackie Wullschläger

11 January 2020 The raw material of Cheung's collage paintings is the mashed up stocks and shares pages of this newspaper, on which he layers in spray paint, acrylic, pastel, ink, a hallucinatory mash-up of colours and forms suggesting the tensions and sublimities of contemporary urban life and Utopian/dystopian technological possibilities. The vast new paintings here contemplate the infrastruture projects for China's mega city Jing-Jin-Ji, an economic region around Beijing and Tianjin with a projected population of 100m; in contrast also displayed are 30 traditional Chinese window lattices suspended beneath the gallery's skylight. 



Gordon Cheung, Megalopolis, 2020



Gordon Cheung

Tears of Paradise 

At Edel Assanti, London, until March 7

11 January 2020
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