Lonnie Holley in The Guardian

'The 30 bands and artists to see live before you die … or they split up' by Chal Ravens

24 June 2023 With festival season upon us, from stadium-rousing anthemicists to legacy-honouring techno wizards and bowel-loosening drone-metallers, here are the performers that every music fan will want to tick off their bucket list.


Lonnie Holley

For Lonnie Holley, every performance is a spontaneous creation. Arriving late to fame, the Alabama-born artist has an almost childlike ability to make a song out of anything he imagines, like a freestyling MC crossed with a jazz improviser. Fusing on-the-spot poetry and cascading piano, he plunges us into deep pools of memory – his own and that of his ancestors in the American south – in order to emerge spiritually recharged. 

24 June 2023
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